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Purple Flowers for Your Mysterious Friends

21 Jul 2021

Purple symbolises mystery and spirituality! Do you have that one friend whose life is so secret you never know what's going on in it (think Rosa from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)? They're so aloof and keep their private life to themselves to the point where you'll be surprised to even know they have a sibling! If you have the honour of being considered a friend by someone who keeps to themselves so much, be inspired by this mood board and buy them purple flowers that represent their mysterious nature to show them that you think their aloofness is so cool!

Purple flowers

Leftmost purple flower teddy bear: Purple Tedi Rose Bear

2nd column, purple fresh flowers bouquet on the top: Purple Grandeur

2nd column, purple preserved flower dome on the bottom: My Only Love in Bloom Purple

Rightmost purple preserved flowers vase arrangement: Asami in Purple

Discover our full collection of purple flowers here!

Check out mood boards for other colour themes here!

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us via our website, email, Instagram (@anahanaflower) or via Whatsapp at +65 98569650. We’re based in Singapore but can also deliver non-living items overseas. We also do same-day deliveries locally.

Ana Hana

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