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Gifts to say thanks

14 Feb 2021

Want to say thank you to a special someone but don't know how? Whichever the occasion you're saying thank you for, we've got some gift ideas for you! 


No better way to say thank you with a bouquet of bright-coloured flowers! This is a classic thank you gift that can't go wrong. A huge bouquet of flowers are sure to put a smile on your recipient's face and feel appreciated for what they've done for you. 

Check out our range of bouquets here.

Scented candles

If you're not up for giving flowers to the person you're saying thank you to, you can gift them candles instead! Even if the person doesn't want to light up the candle they can keep them as decor pieces too :p 

Check out our range of scents here.


If you prefer a more practical gift that can be consumed, we suggest a bag of tea leaves! Our tea leaves can be kept for awhile so hurries for your recipient to finish them. What's better is everytime they brew this set of tea leaves they'll be reminded of you and why you were thankful for them! 

Check out our range of teas here.

Bloom boxes

If you're looking for something more out of the 'box' (:p) or a more unique flower gift, why not go for a bloom box instead? With our bright and cheery bloom boxes, you can express your thanks and put a smile on your recipient's face! 

Check out our range of bloom boxes here.

If you're looking for the perfect gift be sure to visit our website at anahanaflower.com and browse our gift category. 

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us via our website, email, Instagram (@anahanaflower) or via Whatsapp at +65 98569650. We're based in Singapore but can also deliver non-living items overseas. We also do same-day deliveries locally.

Ana Hana

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